Indonesia successfully held its third direct elections in 2014. Although there was only a slight difference in the number of votes and the presidency had to be decided by the Constitutional Court, this did not stop the country from seeking a change of course with its new leader, President Joko Widodo. The president has promised to boost the economy by targeting economic growth...
Articles & Analysis | Indonesia introduces one map policy as a solution to overlapping land claims from The Report: Indonesia 2015
Chapter | Legal Framework from The Report: Indonesia 2015
This chapter examines Indonesia’s legal framework, focusing on the new land management policy that has been introduced as a solution to issues with overlapping land claims. It also contains a viewpoint from Todung Mulya Lubis, Senior Partner, Lubis, Santosa & Maramis.
Indonesia is transforming from a resources- and consumption-based economy to a more manufacturing- and investment-oriented one, working to build an industrial base that will allow it to reduce its dependence on imports and keep more value within the economy. Following his inauguration in October 2014, President Joko Widodo quickly took a number of vital and positive steps that so far are increasing opportunities for foreign direct investment.
Tras largas negociaciones, la UE acordó en mayo eximir de la visa Schengen a los colombianos que visitan Europa, dando el sello de aprobación a los esfuerzos de Colombia para mejorar la seguridad y reducir la inmigración ilegal.
Una nueva moción legislativa de disciplina fiscal en México pasó su último obstáculo parlamentario en mayo, abriendo el camino para una ley que limitará la capacidad de endeudamiento de los gobiernos locales.
Interviews & Viewpoints | Harun Kılıç, Partner, Kılıç and Partners, on reforms inspiring investor trust: Viewpoint from The Report: Turkey 2015
Turkey seeks to become a top-10 economic power by 2023. The most important step in reaching this target will be the provision of the necessary finance needed for business and investment opportunities. The country will have to triple GDP within the next eight years to achieve this target. It is apparent that to do this Turkey will require substantial foreign direct...