Désireux d’étendre sa présence en Afrique et d’éviter les difficultés liées à l’importation, le géant automobile Peugeot a annoncé qu’il comptait assembler son tout nouveau modèle de pick-up en Tunisie.
Plans to accelerate development of the Omani fisheries industry are gaining pace, with a series of temporary labs designed to help operators overcome challenges.
Se espera que el lanzamiento de una nueva planta de 14 mil millones de pesos mexicanos (755.6 millones de dólares) ubicada en el corredor industrial del Altiplano de México, beneficie significativamente el desarrollo de la región.
Articles & Analysis | New roadmap for Nigeria's mining industry from The Report: Nigeria 2017
Mining is big business in Africa and a cornerstone of many national economies. It accounts for a quarter of GDP in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in Botswana the figure has been as high as 40%. Yet despite the huge potential for deposits of precious metals, base metals, coal and iron ore, the Nigerian mining sector contributed only...
Articles & Analysis | Development of local supply chain revitalises Nigeria's textiles industry from The Report: Nigeria 2017
Nigeria once had a thriving textiles industry, but as with so many of its peers across the continent, the sector has suffered under intense competition following the end of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA), which set rules for the international trade of textiles and garments until 2004. Given the role the MFA played in relation to employment...