Faced with an increasingly saturated market and crowded playing field, Indonesia’s telecoms operators are investing in data-based services such as 3G and smartphone apps to gain the competitive edge. However, delays to a fibre-optic project that aims to spread faster internet access throughout eastern Indonesia could impact on those plans.
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The telecoms industry in Thailand has a new regulator, one the sector hopes will move quickly to speed up the processes required for launching latest-generation platforms and develop a master plan to manage frequencies and licensing, though there are lingering concerns over whether the new regulator itself is properly constituted.
Economic update | Maroc : Appel à la concurrence
12 Oct 2011
Alors même que les opérateurs lancent toute une série de forfaits et d’abonnements téléphoniques, une agence gouvernementale a récemment suggéré que le secteur marocain des télécommunications n’était pas suffisamment concurrentiel et encouragé les plus importants opérateurs de téléphonie mobile du pays à étendre la couverture de leurs réseaux et à diversifier leur offre de services afin de tirer leur épingle du jeu dans un marché qui arrive à maturité.
Brunei Darussalam’s information and communications technology (ICT) sector has been given a significant boost with the launch of a new programme that will provide budding entrepreneurs in the field with access to funding, technical support and mentoring, and help meet the objective of developing the Sultanate into a knowledge-based economy.
Economic update | Jordan: Smart moves
5 Oct 2011
With low prices translating into sustained growth in subscriber numbers, Jordan’s highly competitive mobile phone market now has a penetration rate of over 108%. To keep that number increasing, industry players are calling for a sales tax on smartphones to be rescinded, while also launching new mobile phone-based services.
Economic update | Indonesia: Getting IT together
23 Aug 2011
Indonesia is attracting increasing attention from the international communications sector, both as a market for advanced products and due to its burgeoning profile as a centre of development and innovation.