The health sector is still recovering from the conflict period due to damaged infrastructure and restricted funding, though recent years have seen investments undertaken to rebuild the health sector from a low base. The 2016-20 National Development Plan made and continues to make valuable progress on key indicators such as the infant mortality rate and access to health services, while major...
Côte d’Ivoire has seen rapid growth since a decade-long bout of civil unrest ended in 2011, registering an average GDP growth rate of 9.3% in the five years to 2016. By far the biggest economy in the UEMOA and the third largest in ECOWAS, the IMF expects GDP expansion in the West African nation to be sustained, forecasting growth of above 7% through to 2019.
Articles & Analysis | A growing population creates obstacles to improving health care access in Egypt from The Report: Egypt 2018
Opportunities to invest in health care for Egypt’s 96m citizens continue to increase as the population grows and applies pressure on existing hospital infrastructure, including updating technology, training and retaining skilled personnel. Attracting new market participants will be critical to meet new demands brought on by the changing...
Articles & Analysis | Egypt invests in employment training to support economic growth plan from The Report: Egypt 2018
In an effort to support the country’s economic growth plan, Egypt is continuing efforts to expand its skilled workforce, matching educational and training opportunities with the needs of employers through its technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programmes for advancement.
Articles & Analysis | Egypt seeks help from private sector to meet health care demands from The Report: Egypt 2018
As Egypt’s population grows and legislation moves toward a greater proportion of citizens having access to health insurance, demands on hospital services and spaces will increase, creating opportunities for new entrants to the market.
Articles & Analysis | Technical and vocational training is improving employment rates worldwide from The Report: Egypt 2018
Although countries vary when it comes to their economic priorities, the need for increasingly skilled labour is both a cause of and requirement for accelerated growth that spans markets and continents. This demand for technical specialists from Mexico to Indonesia is often most concentrated in the sectors that are vital to economic advancement...