Economic update | Papua New Guinea: Health reform
Articles & Analysis | The next generation: Education is a top priority for sector development from The Report: Qatar 2012
One challenge emerging from the rapid expansion of hospitals and health care providers in Qatar is a shortage of skilled professionals. “While the shortage of nurses is a global problem, Qatar currently faces a significant hurdle,” Carolyn Byrne, the dean and CEO of the University of Calgary – Qatar (UCQ), told OBG. “It is in need of at least 5000...
Interviews & Viewpoints | OBG talks to Dr Hanan Al Kuwari, Managing Director, Hamad Medical Corporation from The Report: Qatar 2012
Articles & Analysis | Healthy indicators: The sector is diversifying, with an eye towards private investment from The Report: Qatar 2012
Promoting development by nurturing a healthy population is enshrined in Qatar’s constitution and is a cornerstone of the government’s long-term development strategy. Under Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030), the state commits to “developing an integrated system for health care, managed according to world-class standards. This system will meet the...
Articles & Analysis | Growth spurt: Investments are under way to expand industry offerings from The Report: Qatar 2012
In line with the objectives articulated in Qatar National Vision 2030, the government has invested significant resources to reform the health sector and to improve standards. The underlying principle supporting the reform process is to shift from the current hospital-based acute-care system to a more integrated model of services. In the new model,...
With the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) recording a real GDP growth rate, on an aggregatebasis, of 7.13% in the first quarter of 2011, and a slightly lower 6.17% for the same quarter in 2012, Nigeria boasts the continent’s second-largest economy after South Africa. Africa’s largest oil producer, Nigeria is the third-largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the continent after Angola and Egypt, according to the US Diplomatic Mission.