Bahrain has remained largely insulated from international external risks and has weathered the global economic shocks of the recent past relatively well. At the height of the international financial downturn, for example, the kingdom avoided falling into recession and even achieved real GDP growth of more than 6% in 2008 and over 3% in 2009.
Articles & Analysis | Transformative change: Reforms have resulted in significant gains, although mounting costs remain a concern from The Report: Turkey 2013
Although the health system faces an array of challenges, including human resource shortages, disparities between regions and rising costs, significant gains in the quality and accessibility of care have markedly improved the wellness of Turkey’s population. Moreover, as the Turkish economy becomes more service-oriented, health companies and...
Economic update | South Africa: Health care overhaul
At an average of 5.1% between 2003 and 2012, Turkey has experienced one of the world’s highest growth rates over the past decade. This was accompanied by drops in joblessness and poverty, as well as gains in school enrolment, home ownership and life expectancy.