How does regional cooperation contribute towards the development of human capital?
What scope do you see for increasing research and development (R&D) activity in emerging markets?
Public education in Algeria is free and remains the primary provider of services. In 2010 the government allocated some AD852bn (€7.84bn) to a five-year investment plan, with much of this funding to go towards the construction of new schools. The delivery of new infrastructure is progressing slowly, resulting in continued overcrowding in certain ...
Since the country gained independence in 1962, Algeria’s health indicators have seen a significant improvement. Life expectancy at birth currently stands at 77.3 years for women and 76.6 for men, up from an average 49 years in 1962, and the country has a vaccination coverage of 98%. Nevertheless, chronic illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases and...
With a new federal health bill in the works and steadily increasing private sector participation in many areas, Nigeria’s health care sector is potentially on the brink of a period of sustained expansion. In the six decades since independence, the national health care network has improved on a piecemeal basis, driven primarily by a handful of...
With a population of around 168.8m, and low levels of government spending on health care across the board, the provision of health services in Nigeria is defined by a series of challenges and constraints. The public network of health-related facilities, which includes clinics and hospitals at the community, state and federal levels, has been...
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