Significant strides have been made in improving health indicators, particularly in terms of maternal and child mortality rates. Costs, however, are likely to remain a major obstacle, with out-of-pocket expenditure accounting for approximately 53% of spending on health care. A 2011 constitutional amendment enshrined access to health care as a basic right and the authorities are working to...
Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Morocco 2014
Articles & Analysis | Building credentials: Reform can nurture talent and enhance technical skills from The Report: Morocco 2014
The Emergency Plan 2009-12 was launched five years ago to boost schooling levels in the kingdom, enhance the quality of teaching and infrastructure, and improve higher education and scientific research.
Articles & Analysis | Facilities planning: Efforts are under way to extend services to rural areas from The Report: Morocco 2014
Health care infrastructure has seen significant developments, with the number of facilities rising from one for every 17,000 people in 1980 to one for every 12,000 in 2014. The system has 144 public hospitals, with 22,000 beds, and 373 private clinics, accounting for around 10,300 beds. However, despite improvements in health insurance...
Interviews & Viewpoints | OBG talks to Mehdi Zaghloul, President, Maroc Innovation et Santé from The Report: Morocco 2014
Articles & Analysis | Matching skills with needs: A growing emphasis on training and research from The Report: Morocco 2014
Young people aged 15-24 comprise 30% of Morocco’s population of 32.3m, and like most of the region the country is seeking to harmonise and improve the skills of its population with the needs of the market. A mismatch in training and job opportunities has left many young Moroccans without a job. Indeed, a survey published by the World Bank in...
Articles & Analysis | More for less: Providing care for an ageing population while reducing costs from The Report: Morocco 2014
Significant strides have been made in improving health indicators, particularly in terms of maternal and child mortality rates. The Ministry of Health (Ministère de la Santé, MS) launched its 2012-16 action plan with a focus on maternal and child heath care. Moreover, to help Morocco reach the objectives outlined in the Millennium Development...