What is needed to spur the development of vocational training over the medium term in Algeria?
What is needed to spur the development of vocational training over the medium term in Algeria?
What were the main gaps that were identified following the recent audits on the health sector?
Algeria continues to pursue its ambitions to upgrade the overall quality of education nationwide. Although results are slow to come by, the sector has made some headway over the years with school enrolment rates at the primary and secondary levels exceeding 97% and illiteracy rates dropping to 14% in 2014, down from 22% in 2008. This comes on...
Over the past five decades Algeria has made significant progress in the provision of health care to its citizens and tackling communicable diseases. Although basic health indicators have improved and living standards have risen, the country has witnessed an increase in chronic diseases, a common occurrence in a number of emerging markets, and these now represent the main burden on the health...
While education is highly prized in Jordan, a university degree in itself does not guarantee employment. As many as 39.8% of unemployed Jordanians had a bachelor’s degree or higher in 2013, according to the most recent “Employment and Unemployment Survey”. Among the reasons for this, a frequently cited problem is a mismatch between the skills...
The country boasts impressive levels of educational achievement, including nearly universal literacy and primary school enrolment, as well as high levels of university enrolment by regional standards. However, the sector does face challenges as well. These include what many argue is a mismatch between curricula and the needs of the country’s...
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