Home to the first modern hospital in the region, Bahrain has one of the oldest health care sectors in the Gulf. Sustained investment in the sector has seen outcomes improve considerably for the majority of the population, with life expectancy rising from 71 in 1983 to 77 in 2013 and infant mortality dropping from 21 per 1000 births in 1985 to five in 2013. The sector continues to see new...
Low oil prices will undoubtedly continue to be a significant challenge for Bahrain in 2016. However the kingdom’s early moves to diversify its economy mean the country is well placed to weather the storm and non-oil segments are expected to continue performing well in 2016.
Progress on two new medical facilities, located in Irbid and Amman, could add much-needed capacity to Jordan’s health sector as it copes with rising demand for health care services.
Interviews & Viewpoints | Sardar Umar Alam, Head of UNESCO, Yangon Office: Interview from The Report: Myanmar 2016
How is the Capacity Development for Education for All (CapEFA) programme enhancing management skills in the Ministry of Education (MoE)?
Interviews & Viewpoints | Dr Gershu Paul, CEO, Pun Hlaing Hospital: Interview from The Report: Myanmar 2016
How would you assess the development of the health sector since the easing of sanctions?
Articles & Analysis | Changes to Myanmar's education sector needed from The Report: Myanmar 2016
With an increasing need for human capital, the government of Myanmar has made the overhauling of the education system a national priority. With an enlarged budget, a new national education law and the removal of public school fees, major reform of the entire education sector is well under way. However, significant challenges remain.