Despite the challenges to Nigeria’s economy, many of the country’s banks enjoyed healthy revenue and asset growth in 2016. Asset quality issues continue to hinder the sector, but banks have found avenues outside of lending activities to expand their balance sheets. One area of growth stemmed from the devaluation of the naira in 2016. According to the IMF, 45% of loans held by banks are in a...
With Africa’s largest economy and its biggest population, Nigeria is the continent’s heavyweight. The country has been blessed with resource-rich lands, areas of great agricultural fertility and favourable demographics, but it has also had its fair share of challenges.
Dernière arrivée sur la scène bancaire ivoirienne, la Banque d’Abidjan (BDA) a ouvert ses portes le 5 septembre, portant à 28 le nombre total d’acteurs financiers que compte le pays.
Economic update | L’Algérie déploie son offre de finance islamique afin d’attirer les investissements et renforcer la bancarisation
La finance islamique gagne du terrain en Algérie : les six banques publiques du pays se sont engagées à lancer des services de finance islamique d’ici la fin de l’année et le gouvernement a annoncé le lancement d’un comité de conformité charia.
The central bank of Ghana has announced higher minimum capital requirements for the country’s lenders, in line with implementation of Basel II and III standards.
Las start-ups o empresas emergentes especializadas en tecnología digital están fortaleciendo su presencia en el sector financiero colombiano, una tendencia que podría ayudar al crecimiento del PIB en casi un punto porcentual en los próximos años.