As ongoing volatility continues to hamper growth in the region, Jordan has made significant progress in preserving macroeconomic stability and reducing its fiscal deficit in the past few years. Efforts to the fulfill the stipulations of a $723m extended fund facility agreement with the IMF continue, and the government may need to pursue more widespread reforms to increase income tax revenues and limit tax avoidance so as to sustain recent momentum.
Economic update | Le Maroc mise sur le GNL et les énergies renouvelables pour son futur mix énergétique
Projet de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) de plusieurs milliards de dollars, découvertes de gisements de gaz sur le territoire, et engagement continu en faveur des énergies renouvelables : c’est ainsi que le Maroc compte répondre aux besoins grandissants des consommateurs et de l’industrie en matière d’énergie, et diversifier son mix énergétique.
Articles & Analysis | Reforms aim to improve oversight and performance of precious stones industry in Myanmar from The Report: Myanmar 2018
Despite being endowed with vast deposits of jade and gemstones, a fragmented value chain, persistent smuggling and weak oversight have long hindered revenue collection for the state in Myanmar. To remedy this, the country’s first democratic government is determined to formalise trade and remove conflicts of interest across a sector that has...
Interviews & Viewpoints | U La Min Win, Managing Director, Valentis Services: Interview from The Report: Myanmar 2018
What steps should be taken to address the information gap on Myanmar’s geological potential?
Articles & Analysis | Myanmar enhances resource sharing and reconciliation to attract further investment in mining from The Report: Myanmar 2018
Stretching from the Himalayas in the north to the Andaman Sea in the south, Myanmar’s diverse terrain offers a wealth of untapped mineral resources. Following the easing of international sanctions and major legal reforms, the authorities now have the opportunity to rehabilitate some of the mines that were neglected during the socialist period...
Articles & Analysis | Long-term policy focused on electrification and grid improvements in Myanmar from The Report: Myanmar 2018
Myanmar has one of the most diverse, high-potential energy sectors in the ASEAN region. Home to vast natural gas and hydropower reserves, and with hydrocarbons production dating as far back as the 10th century, the country is well positioned to remain a significant regional energy supplier, even as stakeholders continue to grapple with...