• Agriculture

    OBG investigates the key pressures and developments affecting local agriculture, particularly where a country is dependent on plantations or forestry to maintain GNP. It also highlights the output trends and technological advances in areas such as irrigation techniques and land reclamation.
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Espérant optimiser le rendement de la récolte céréalière nationale 2011/12, le Maroc a décidé de reporter son projet de recourir massivement aux importations de blé tendre. Le prolongement de la période de collecte des récoltes, et les mesures prises par le gouvernement pour soutenir les prix payés aux producteurs locaux sont deux éléments clés de la stratégie nationale, qui vise à exploiter l'agriculture non seulement pour renforcer la production économique et réduire la pauvreté, mais également pour améliorer la balance des paiements.
In addition to the environmental benefits, a focus on sustainable agriculture in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is expected to generate healthier sales of the country’s biggest products − palm oil and coffee. However, a number of hurdles will need to be overcome to achieve this goal. Heavy rainfall in the first six months of 2012 has significantly impacted palm oil production, while a labour shortage is expected to affect export revenues of the coffee production segment.
En Algérie, un certain nombre de mesures ont été prises afin d’améliorer les capacités de production céréalière du pays et ainsi répondre à la demande nationale en blé et réduire la facture des importations alimentaires. Toutefois, la situation actuelle du marché, marqué par une production en baisse en Afrique du Nord et des prix mondiaux à la hausse, a renforcé la dépendance du pays face à l’importation de blé sur le court terme.

Located on Africa’s western coast, Ghana is home to 24m people and a variety of ethnic groups. The country is divided into 10 administrative regions and has a strong executive branch, a unicameral legislature made up of 230 members, and an independent judiciary.

Cocoa is big business in Ghana. The country is the world’s second-largest cocoa producer, occasionally beating its neighbour, Côte d’Ivoire, for the top spot on the international market. Ghana’s cocoa product is widely considered top quality. Cultivated in six of the country’s 10 regions, more Ghanaians are reliant on the production of cocoa for...

One of the chief obstacles to propelling progress in Ghana’s agricultural sector is land distribution. Obtaining proof of individual ownership is difficult and most lands are not owned by people but by groups or tribes, often with competing claims. The country lacks a proper registry, along with titles, which has often offered complications to...

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