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Chapter | Country Profile from The Report: Colombia 2019

The end of the formal conflict between FARC and the government has boosted the country’s image abroad, allowing the tourism industry to fulfil its potential in areas that were previously out of bounds. Medellín, once known as the home of drug cartels, is now a focal point for innovation in Latin America. As such, it is set to become a regional leader in creative industries, an incentive...

Since the drop in commodity prices in 2014, Colombia’s economy has been recovering and is set to expand in 2019 and 2020. In May 2018 Colombia was invited to become the 37th member of the OECD, a positive development that should increase the country’s international political and economic prominence in the coming decades. However, challenges to ensuring Colombia’s continued economic progress remain.

Chapter | The Guide from The Report: Peru 2019

This section includes information on hotels, government offices and other listings, alongside useful...

Chapter | Legal Framework from The Report: Peru 2019

This chapter introduces the reader to the different aspects of the legal system in Peru, in partnership...

Chapter | Tax from The Report: Peru 2019

In conjunction with EY Peru, this chapter explores the taxation system and Peru’s efforts to build an...

Chapter | Education & Health from The Report: Peru 2019

Efforts to reform the education sector, boost teacher salaries, provide qualitative assessment and...

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