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Chapter | Insurance from The Report: Papua New Guinea 2019

With a low penetration rate of below 2%, Papua New Guinea’s insurance sector has significant growth potential. The economy is expected to benefit from a range of new extractive projects and this, coupled with growing awareness about the benefits of insurance coverage, is set to increase demand. However, some notable challenges will need to be addressed to ensure the long-term expansion of the...

Chapter | Banking from The Report: Papua New Guinea 2019

Despite a tight supply of foreign exchange and a slowdown in economic growth in 2018, Papua New Guinea’s banking sector remained well capitalised and registered a robust performance, aided by supportive policies from both the government and the Bank of PNG, the country’s central bank. The successful issuance in September 2018 of the country’s first dollar-denominated sovereign bond raised $...

Chapter | Economy from The Report: Papua New Guinea 2019

Efforts to increase public governance are gradually bolstering confidence in Papua New Guinea’s economy, despite national performance being heavily dependent on somewhat-unpredictable extractive industries. These were affected in the first half of 2018 by an earthquake in February, and recovered in the second half when international commodities prices rose. Recovery in liquefied natural gas...

Chapter | Trade & Investment from The Report: Papua New Guinea 2019

Papua New Guinea’s international profile received a boost when it chaired the APEC forum in 2018, an event that culminated in the APEC Leaders’ Summit in Port Moresby in November of that year. During the meeting, leaders from some of the world’s largest economies congregated in the capital to discuss a host of regional issues. While the business climate is hampered by regulatory obstacles and...

Chapter | Country Profile from The Report: Papua New Guinea 2019

Papua New Guinea is a vast archipelago, of which the main island – shared with Indonesia – forms the largest tropical island on Earth. Known for its unique flora and fauna, the country is famous for its environmental variety. However, with more than 850 languages spoken within its borders, it is also considered one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world. While it enjoys...

Efforts to improve public governance are gradually bolstering confidence in Papua New Guinea’s economy, despite national performance being heavily dependent on the extractive industries. Backed by macroeconomic development plans, Prime Minister James Marape’s administration is seeking to improve debt management, reduce foreign exchange imbalances, widen access to social services and provide greater employment opportunities.

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