
Displaying 385 - 390 of 393

Chapter | Health from The Report: The Philippines 2012

The health situation in the Philippines is similar to that of a number of emerging economies, with communicable diseases having fallen in past decades but “lifestyle” factors like obesity and smoking causing an upsurge in cardiovascular disease and cancer. Spending on health is lower than in some neighbouring countries, but the government’s Philhealth programme is seeking to expand coverage...

Chapter | Health and Education from The Report: Kuwait 2012

Free health care is widely regarded as a civic privilege in Kuwait. However, a growing population means that health care provision is starting to strain state finances. A new scheme is therefore underway to encourage private-sector participation to reduce the burden of state care. The Kuwait Health Assurance Company (KHAC) will be launched by 2015, with a mandate to manage the health care needs...

Nestled between Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the northwest corner of the Gulf, Kuwait has been a leader of Arab democracy and one of the most liberal nations within the GCC since the country gained independence in 1961. Economically, the country also has a bright future, with strong public finances, a young and well-educated population and vast oil deposits.

Chapter | Health and Education from The Report: Mongolia 2012

The health care system in Mongolia is in transition, moving away from a comprehensive yet out-dated Soviet model to a more private sector-focused approach. This shift, combined with the government’s openness to public-private partnerships, indicates an opening for foreign investors to make gains in this sector. Key challenges including fighting non-communicable, lifestyle diseases, and bridging...

The mineral wealth of Mongolia, a vast and isolated land, has brought the world to its doorstep. The country’s economy is one of the fastest growing in the world, and production from and investment in its two largest mines should see GDP growth continue to climb.

Chapter | Health and Education from The Report: Indonesia 2012

Having already mandated basic education and made it accessible to all citizens, at least in theory, Indonesia’s next challenge is to boost access to, and quality of, secondary and higher education. Other goals include lowering illiteracy and decreasing disparities in quality of education nationwide. The government is hoping to address challenges like teacher absenteeism, and poor scientific and...

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