
Displaying 361 - 366 of 393

With one of the world’s most commanding positions in the global energy industry and a growing role in regional diplomacy, Qatar has seen many returns on the political and economic investments it has made in the past two decades.

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Algeria 2012

With significant improvements in education over the past decade, Algeria now has a primary enrolment rate over 95% and has made considerable progress in eliminating illiteracy, the rate of which is now under 8% for those aged 15-24. However, with more than 70% of the population under the age of 30, the number of students entering the school system every year is expected to continue to rise. The...

Oil and gas production continues to dominate the Algerian economy, accounting for almost all of exports, close to half of government revenue and over a third of GDP. In recent years non-hydrocarbons GDP has outstripped wider economic growth, though this is largely driven by public spending rather than private sector activity.

With the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) recording a real GDP growth rate, on an aggregatebasis, of 7.13% in the first quarter of 2011, and a slightly lower 6.17% for the same quarter in 2012, Nigeria boasts the continent’s second-largest economy after South Africa. Africa’s largest oil producer, Nigeria is the third-largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the continent after Angola  and Egypt, according to the US Diplomatic Mission.

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Nigeria 2012

Overall indicators in Nigeria paint a picture of a country in need of developing its health sector, but prospects for growth and further modernisation are bright, as the industry has been improving gradually. Funding for health care in Nigeria tends to be low, at approximately $13 per capita annually. The 2012 federal budget allocated some $1.81bn for the sector, amounting to 5.9% of the total....

Chapter | Health from The Report: Qatar 2012

Promoting development by nurturing a healthy population is enshrined in Qatar’s constitution and is a cornerstone of the government’s long-term development strategy. The state’s population has increased rapidly over the last decade, but so too has expenditure on health care services, climbing from $339 per capita in 2000 to $1560 per capita by 2010. Investments in health care are expected to help...

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