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Outperforming the majority of its regional peers, Colombia has experienced steady economic growth in the past decade registering GDP growth averaging over 4%, a rate set to continue in 2013. 

The past several years have seen significant changes in Jordan. The state is pushing ahead with structural reforms that should provide a sound base for future development, as the economy shows signs of a brisk recovery from the difficult years it has faced in the wake of the global financial crisis. 

Chapter | Health from The Report: Jordan 2013

Life expectancy within the kingdom is above the regional average, with a medical insurance safety net available for citizens. Medical care is provided by public, private and aid operators. Advanced procedures and improving care standards are drawing health tourists to the kingdom, and Amman has become a growing medical manufacturing base, with free zones offering an attractive location for...

Chapter | Health from The Report: Bahrain 2013

Bahrain offers both citizens and residents a wide range of care provided by the government and the private sector. The government spent almost $557.86m on health care in 2011, which was an increase of close to 8% over 2010. Since that year it has been implementing a strategy to improve health care provision, which has focused, in large part, on integrating medical services and providing greater...

Bahrain has remained largely insulated from international external risks and has weathered the global economic shocks of the recent past relatively well. At the height of the international financial downturn, for example, the kingdom avoided falling into recession and even achieved real GDP growth of more than 6% in 2008 and over 3% in 2009. 

Chapter | Health from The Report: Turkey 2013

Although the health system faces an array of challenges, including human resource shortages, disparities between regions and rising costs, significant gains in the quality and accessibility of care have markedly improved the wellness of Turkey’s population. Moreover, as the economy expands, health companies and investors are well positioned to capitalise on growth opportunities in private...

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