
Displaying 313 - 318 of 393

Over the past decade Peru has seen a period of transformative growth, effectively positioning it as one of the leading economic performers in Latin America. Posting growth rates in excess of 6% from 2010-12, the economy expanded by a further 5.1% in the first half of 2013.

A diverse country with an intriguing history, the Philippines today is a multi-party, democratic republic, open to foreign investment, and integrated within the regional and international political and economic community. 

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Peru 2014

A series of reforms in late 2013 have effectively redesigned the health sector’s institutional framework and increased coverage and access to services. While state funding remains low, the sector has seen a significant rise in private sector participation, which is expected to continue following implementation of the reform package. With a number of larger companies investing heavily, smaller...

Chapter | Health from The Report: Philippines 2014

By including everyone under a health insurance coverage scheme and ensuring affordable drugs reach all socioeconomic groups, the Philippines is setting an example on how to tackle the problem of the high cost of medical care and social inclusion. The Philippine experiment of combining public spending on preventative health care and medical coverage with private delivery holds the promise of...

Chapter | Insurance from The Report: Philippines 2014

At the end of 2012, the Philippines was home to 79 non-life insurance companies, 29 life insurers and a single reinsurance firm. With a strong history and few limitations and restrictions on foreign investment, the Philippine insurance industry is open, thriving, growing and competitive; however it is widely acknowledged that the sector should be more inclusive, as it currently serves only a...

Chapter | Health from The Report: Nigeria 2013

In the six decades since independence, the national health care network has improved on a piecemeal basis, driven primarily by a handful of international organisations and, more recently, government entities at the federal, state and local levels. The sector is guided by the National Strategic Health Development Plan (2010-15), which runs alongside the wider aims outlined in the Vision 20:2020...

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