
Displaying 313 - 318 of 339

Oil and gas production continues to dominate the Algerian economy, accounting for almost all of exports, close to half of government revenue and over a third of GDP. In recent years non-hydrocarbons GDP has outstripped wider economic growth, though this is largely driven by public spending rather than private sector activity.

With the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS) recording a real GDP growth rate, on an aggregatebasis, of 7.13% in the first quarter of 2011, and a slightly lower 6.17% for the same quarter in 2012, Nigeria boasts the continent’s second-largest economy after South Africa. Africa’s largest oil producer, Nigeria is the third-largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the continent after Angola  and Egypt, according to the US Diplomatic Mission.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Nigeria 2012

Agriculture makes a significant contribution to the economy, accounting for 40% of GDP at the end of the fourth quarter of 2011 and employing 60% of the population. Sector policy is guided by the Agricultural Transformation Action Plan (ATAP), which aims to diversify the economy and support rural areas while also reducing the cost of food imports. Some $8.3bn is spent on importing staple...

Chapter | Agriculture & Forestry from The Report: Gabon 2012

Stimulating investment in agriculture is considered a crucial part of diversifying Gabon’s economy and reducing dependency on food imports. The government is currently supporting a two-track investment programme that will encourage agro-industrial projects to increase the sector’s contribution to GDP and support small-scale farmers to boost production for local markets. Gabon has great potential...

Since 1953, when oil was first discovered near Port-Gentil, Gabon’s economy has been dominated by the petroleum industry. According to the BP “Statistical Review of World Energy 2012”, Gabon is the sixth-largest crude oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa and has the region’s fourth-largest proven reserves.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Egypt 2012

Once considered the breadbasket of the Roman and Byzantine Empires, Egypt today continues to be an agricultural powerhouse. Rising domestic demand supports local producers, and it has also led to the country becoming a net food importer. Although aggregate cereal production reached 22.3m tonnes in 2011, a 9.3% increase on the previous year, domestic supply cannot meet demand, making Egypt the...

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