
Displaying 307 - 312 of 339

At the base of the Arabian Peninsula, occupying a landmass slightly larger than Italy, Oman is the largest country in the GCC after Saudi Arabia. In recent years, the non-OPEC oil exporter’s economy has been undergoing a steady transformation, reorienting from oil toward a more diverse set of service and industry-based economic activities. So far, progress has been promising. In 2011 oil and gas accounted for 38.8% GDP.

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Oman 2013

Farming and fishing play important roles in the Omani economy: more than half the local population and some 7.8% of expatriate workers are employed in these industries. This is despite the historic challenge of an arid climate and scarcity of water for crop cultivation, which have traditionally limited development. However, the implementation of modern irrigation techniques in recent times has...

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic society of 29m split between the Malay Peninsula and the island of Borneo. With a per-capita GDP that has hovered around $10,000 for the past decade, the country is struggling to escape a “middle-income trap” 

Chapter | Plantations & Agriculture from The Report: Malaysia 2012

Malaysia’s agricultural sector continues to be dominated by the export-oriented rubber and palm oil sectors, the latter of which has achieved primacy in recent years. Palm oil accounts for as much as 8% of Malaysia’s GDP alone, and the recent listing of major plantations owner Felda raised $3.1bn and earned cash payments for upwards of 100,000 families. The sector, however, is facing the...

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Algeria 2012

On the back of significant growth over the last decade, Algeria continues to witness an increase in local agricultural production owing to efforts to modernise the sector and boost investment. Growth in the sector rose from 8.5% in 2010 to 10.6% in 2011 and there are encouraging signs that increased support from the government will aid development. By virtue of the 2010-14 Public Investment...

Chapter | Construction & Real Estate from The Report: Algeria 2012

With an extensive array of public works projects stretching across sectors as varied as transport, tourism, construction materials and culture, opportunities are numerous for further exploitation in Algeria’s construction sector. Roads are a priority, and special efforts have been made to develop urban rail systems as an additional measure to help ease congestion. Projecting an estimated value of...

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