
Displaying 265 - 270 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Abu Dhabi 2014

Efforts to enhance food security and reduce the impact of imported inflation have made the sector a greater priority. Further to this, the government is committed to developing the sector on the grounds that agriculture has played an important role in the emirate’s history, and is considered to be a pillar of its heritage and culture. As in much of the rest of the Gulf, fresh water is in short...

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Panama 2014

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Census, the agriculture sector grew 6% in 2011 and 3.9% in 2012. However, its contribution to GDP fell from 8% at the start of the millennium to 2.5% in the third quarter of 2013. One of four key pillars of economic growth in the Strategic Plan 2012-14, the sector has faced a number of challenges. The rapid pace of urbanisation, accompanied by...

The “Golden Land”, officially known as the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and formerly as Burma, has undergone dramatic reforms in recent years under the administration of President U Thein Sein. The rapid transition from a military junta to an open economy has surprised the global community and will see Myanmar assume the ASEAN chair for the first time in 2014. 

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Myanmar 2014

While estimates may vary, the sector contributes 43% to GDP and employs 70% of the working population, according to the World Bank. Almost everything can be grown in Myanmar, from tropical fruits and vegetables to rice and pulses. It is sometimes said to have the most fertile soil in Asia. The country is known for its rice, teak and mangoes, but it also produces rubber, oil seeds, cotton, corn,...

The sultanate’s economy continues to enjoy the benefits of petroleum wealth, which has provided budget surpluses in most years and served as a backbone for growth. However, planning is well under way for an era in which oil will not be the main economic driver, with the twin goals of diversification and creating an increased number of private sector jobs at the top of the government’s current agenda.

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Oman 2014

Given rapid growth in other sectors of the economy, fishing and farming’s relative contribution has decreased in recent years, falling from 2.8% of GDP in 1995 to 1.1% in 2012, however the government is aiming to spur sector growth and boost this to 5.1% of GDP by 2020. Steady increases in crop and livestock yields have raised self-sufficiency levels; as of early 2013, Oman produced 75% of its...

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