
Displaying 247 - 252 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Colombia 2014

Despite lower international prices for some of Colombia’s key cash crops, the agriculture sector ended 2013 posting growth of 5.2%, higher than overall economic growth of 4.7%. Coffee’s 22.3% expansion made it the sector’s shining star in 2013. However, the various challenges the sector faces, in particular increased international competition as a result of a number of recent free trade...

Despite instability associated with the global mining and hydrocarbons sectors, Colombia displays stable economic growth amidst a regional slowdown, in large part a result of economic liberalisation, free trade agreements and entry to a variety of trade blocs. After recording 6.6% growth in 2011 and 4% in 2012, Colombia saw a slowdown in the first half of 2013, but the economy regained momentum by the end of the year.

Chapter | Agriculture & Plantations from The Report: Malaysia 2014

A major push to boost efficiency in the agriculture and plantations sectors is under way, with the government allocating some RM6bn ($1.8bn) to the sector in its 2014 budget to support a drive for greater productivity, among other strategies. The bulk of agriculture’s contribution to GDP comes from plantation crops, which accounted for 36.5% of the sector’s value in 2012, followed by rubber (8...

Malaysia’s natural resources and its well-educated population are some of the many credentials that keep the country in good stead, with priorities centred on preparing for the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 and steering the policy framework toward more inclusive political representation. The economy is built around global trade, and the government is working to encourage greater private investment.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Saudi Arabia 2014

Saudi Arabia is one of the largest producers and exporters of agricultural goods in the region and is self-sufficient in a number of areas, including milk, eggs and dates. The sector has seen a notable shift towards higher-value and less-water-intensive crops, and a gradual phasing out of domestic wheat production in favour of imports. Efforts are also being made to boost aquaculture and...

Home to an estimated 15.9% of the world’s proven oil reserves, Saudi Arabia is the single largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa. According to the Ministry of Finance, real GDP grew by 3.8% to $746bn in 2013. While oil income is expected to continue to account for the majority of government revenues for the foreseeable future, the non-oil sector has expanded significantly in recent decades growing 9.3% in 2013.

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