
Displaying 235 - 240 of 393

Chapter | Health from The Report: Mexico 2015

A decade after the introduction of the Popular Health Insurance Scheme, the national insurance programme, Mexico has made tremendous progress toward attaining universal coverage, albeit limited. The country is now striving to guarantee universal access to health care, not an easy feat for a fragmented system suffering from decades of under-spending. While the sector reform announced by the...

At a time when a number of major Latin American economies, including Brazil and Venezuela, are heading toward recession, Mexico’s economy stands out in the region for its resilience. The country is expected to maintain a solid economic performance in 2015 and beyond, with the IMF estimating GDP growth of 3% and 3.3% in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

Chapter | Health from The Report: Kuwait 2015

Kuwait’s rapidly changing demographic profile and increased prosperity have given rise to various lifestyle changes that have fuelled a rise in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. To counter this, and to free up public resources for healthy living initiatives, the government is encouraging greater private sector involvement in the sector, starting with provision of health care for...

Chapter | Health & Life Sciences from The Report: Saudi Arabia 2015

The government represents the biggest provider of health care services in Saudi Arabia, accounting for about 75% of the country’s health spending. In 2015 the government increased its budget for health and social affairs by 48% to $42.64bn. Indeed the Kingdom’s health sector has witnessed rapid growth in recent times as the government looks to meet its 2020 targets of 264 hospitals, 70,694...

The accession of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in January 2015 was the start of a new chapter for the Kingdom, and with the fall in global oil prices and continued regional turbulence there are undoubtedly challenges to be met. However, domestic stability, combined with the government’s commitment to major development projects and sustained focus on economic diversification, indicate a positive overall outlook for the country moving forward. 

Chapter | Health from The Report: Morocco 2015

Although total expenditure on health per capita has stayed fairly constant in Morocco, advances have been made to improve the provision and delivery of health care. A 2011 constitutional amendment enshrined access to health care as a basic right, with increasing amounts of public financing going towards expanding health services, although work remains to extend coverage to uninsured segments...

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