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Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) producers and retailers in Egypt face a somewhat mixed outlook in the short term, with limits on disposable incomes and high inflation making many Egyptians cautious about overspending. However, with such favourable demographics, long-term prospects appear more positive as the economy recovers, consumer confidence rises and export opportunities open up.

La forte progression du secteur manufacturier en 2013, notamment dans l’automobile, l’aéronautique et l’électronique, a permis de consolider la balance commerciale du Maroc. Depuis quelques années, la multiplication des fabricants tant étrangers que marocains a généré de nouvelles sources de recettes à l’export, ce qui devrait aider à la réduction du déficit budgétaire ainsi que du commerce extérieur.
Avec deux importants projets à l’horizon, le Gabon devrait enregistrer une hausse significative de ses recettes d’exportations minérales, ce qui contribuera à réduire la dépendance du gouvernement face aux ventes d’hydrocarbures.
With an eye on value addition and employment, Nigeria is hoping two new state-backed programmes to support manufacturers will more than double industry’s contribution to the economy over the next five years, although infrastructural weaknesses continue to present challenges.

While Mexico is on the right track in terms of growing your automaker industry, overcoming deficiencies in the supply chain remains a key factor for further growth.

Wide-ranging reforms, backed up by planned legislative changes and a drive to improve practices, look set to steer Myanmar’s mining sector into the 21st century.

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