
Displaying 205 - 210 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture & Forestry from The Report: Gabon 2015

The government is aiming to boost agriculture’s contribution to GDP to 20% by 2025 through partnership with international institutions and private enterprises. It also intends to reduce food imports, which reached €523.8m in 2014. Efforts are under way to ensure that sector management is sustainable.

This chapter includes interviews with Gagan Gupta, Country Head, Olam; and Gert...

An upper-middle-income country situated on the Gulf of Guinea, Gabon is one of Africa’s leading oil producers. With a population of around 1.7m and a stable political system, it plays a leading role in the region through its membership in the CEMAC economic bloc.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Trinidad & Tobago 2015

The agricultural sector accounts for a tiny portion of T&T’s overall economy. It contributed an estimated 0.5% of GDP in 2014, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, while agricultural exports contributed just 0.01% of GDP. In labour terms, the sector accounted for 3.5% of total employment in 2013, or some 22,000 jobs, according to the central bank. While this is largely...

Chapter | Education & Health from The Report: Trinidad & Tobago 2015

Buoyed by revenues from the oil and gas industry, education is one of T&T’s strengths. In its “Global Competitiveness Report 2014-15”, the World Economic Forum ranked T&T 44th for the general quality of its education system, 43rd for primary education, 35th for maths and science, and 33rd for its management schools, out of 144 countries. Unsurprisingly, the government has made...

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Panama 2015

Though agricultural development in Panama has historically been hampered by a series of structural issues, including fragmented ownership of land, limited access to financing and deficient transport infrastructure, efforts are now under way to boost agricultural output. According to Panama’s National Institute of Statistics and Census, agriculture and livestock GDP increased steadily over the...

Despite slower GDP growth of 6.2% in 2014, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Panama remains one of Latin America’s fastest growing economies, a trend set to continue in coming years with the IMF forecasting average annual growth of around 6.5% over the next five years.

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