
Displaying 199 - 204 of 393

Chapter | Health from The Report: Malaysia 2016

In the nearly 60 years since its independence, Malaysia has made enormous strides in health care, creating an internationally lauded public health system that delivers quality care to a large proportion of the public at extremely generous rates. This is complemented by a growing private sector, which provides quality care – often in specialist areas – to those Malaysians and foreigners who can...

Malaysia is enjoying uninterrupted momentum in attracting investment and trade flows destined for South-east Asia. As a leading trading nation it has the necessary infrastructure and determination to compete and partner with its ASEAN neighbors to create a more sustainable growth model.

Chapter | Education & Health from The Report: Sri Lanka 2016

Sri Lanka’s education system is widely regarded as among the best in South Asia. A commitment to improving the quality of teaching at all levels and across the country has resulted in impressive outcomes in recent years. The current government, which came to power in early 2015, has announced a series of ambitious new policies aimed at bolstering the nation’s reputation as a high-quality...

Sri Lanka’s investment environment is set to become more balanced, transparent and predictable, with the elections of 2015 largely heralded as a win for inclusive governance, providing a fresh five-year mandate for an administration committed to economic revolution. As the country looks to broaden its investor base, it is hoped that policy changes and plans brought in by the new government will attract the added investment needed to help the country reach its growth goals.

Chapter | Health from The Report: Abu Dhabi 2016

The health authority in Abu Dhabi continues to implement sector reforms, with a new seven-point health strategy that is aimed at addressing the most critical issues faced by patients and medical professionals in the emirate. An increasing emphasis on preventative care, emergency preparedness and further expansion of specialty care are expected to bolster health indicators moving forward....

Thanks to business-friendly government policies implemented over the past 10 years Abu Dhabi is now home to a rapidly diversifying economy that is among the largest in the region, with GDP reaching a total of Dh952.68bn ($259.32bn) at current prices in 2014.

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