
Displaying 199 - 204 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Mexico 2015

After a decade of slow growth, averaging 1.3% per year, Mexico’s agriculture sector made a comeback in 2014, outperforming the wider economy and highlighting the sector’s counter-cyclical nature. Buoyed by favourable climatic conditions, the sector ended 2014 posting growth of 2.8%, with total production reaching a value of $53.3bn, according to the National Institute of Statistics and...

At a time when a number of major Latin American economies, including Brazil and Venezuela, are heading toward recession, Mexico’s economy stands out in the region for its resilience. The country is expected to maintain a solid economic performance in 2015 and beyond, with the IMF estimating GDP growth of 3% and 3.3% in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Morocco 2015

The government’s Green Morocco Plan, launched in 2008 to run through 2020, aims to boost productivity through closer public-private collaboration, while at the same time improving smallholders’ earnings. While the country has in recent years made significant strides in boosting food output, several segments – including cereals, powdered milk and table oil – fall shy of their potential, and...

Benefitting from strong ties to both Europe and the Arab world, Morocco has the right ingredients for future growth: low inflation, political stability, an industrial base and a favourable climate. With the outlook improving for Morocco’s trade partners and the lower price of oil – of which the country is a net importer – most observers expect growth to be even stronger in 2015, with estimates ranging from 4.4% to 5.0%.

Following successful completion of the Papua New Guinea liquefied natural gas project, the country is experiencing a surge of optimism about foreign investment and overall economic growth. PNG remains favoured by its traditional investors such as Australia, but it is increasingly a target for new players, including China and Japan.

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Papua New Guinea 2015

While overshadowed by energy and mining investments, Papua New Guinea’s agricultural sector is a key earner of foreign currency and a primary employer for many of its citizens. The country’s fertile land makes the sector and its downstream processing and value-added spin-offs the most viable option for absorbing its growing workforce, while continuing to provide potential for the economy in...

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