
Displaying 187 - 192 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Oman 2016

Oman’s agriculture & fisheries sectors are slated for significant expansion in the years to come as authorities aim to build them up into major contributors to the economy, key employers and significant sources for export earnings. Oman’s Vision 2020 sets the target of raising the agricultural sector’s contribution to GDP to 3.1% by 2020, with annual growth topping 4.5%. It also intends to...

Oman’s long history of political stability coupled with its favorable international trade agreements and special economic zones has ensured strong growth in economic output and exports in recent years. The fall in global prices is undoubtedly a concern for the sultanate, but the sustained focus on diversification schemes, as well as the country’s ongoing spending commitments on big-ticket projects should ensure steady growth moving forward.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Egypt 2016

Characterised by the predominance of smallholders, Egypt’s agriculture sector is currently witnessing greater investor interest, including capital injections for large-scale projects and a nationwide emphasis on land reclamation for agricultural development. Constraints on Egypt’s agriculture sector over 2015 include evolving subsidy reforms (beginning in July 2014), which has meant a rise in...

Located at a crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe, Egypt remains one of the world’s most strategically important countries, as it has been for millennia. Egypt has the third-largest GDP in the Arab world, after oil-rich Saudi Arabia and the UAE. It is considerably more diversified than many economies in the region, with manufacturing and agriculture key contributors, making up 14.5% and 15.7% of GDP, respectively, according to the Central Bank of Egypt, as well as oil and gas extraction.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Kenya 2016

Kenya’s largest contributor to GDP faced significant hurdles in 2015. Exports were hit by a slowdown abroad, and the continued depreciation of the shilling led to a jump in production costs. However, rising demand both at home and regionally and increased production levels are contributing to greater foreign investment, enabling the sector to maintain its economic importance. Plummeting global...

Kenya is one of the economic and political heavyweights of East Africa. Despite recent security issues, it is recording strong economic growth and maintaining its leading position in the region. Recent discoveries of new oil, gas and water reserves and a young population give further cause for optimism, and the government is working to put the right policies into place to maximise the country’s potential. 

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