
Displaying 163 - 168 of 393

Chapter | Health from The Report: Mexico 2017

There is much to be celebrated for the Mexican health care system, which is moving in towards its goal of providing all citizens, regardless of wealth or employment, access to high levels of care. In the last three years, movements to increase coordination between health providers, cut costs and improve services are also to be commended. However, the inherent inefficiencies of the fractured...

At a time when a number of major Latin American economies, including Brazil and Venezuela, are heading toward recession, Mexico’s economy stands out in the region for its resilience. Projections for 2017 are couched in more uncertainty than is usual, however, in light of the lack of clarity over and the potential impact of policy changes in the US during the first year in office for US President Donald Trump. 

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Egypt 2017

Continued efforts to address the health care needs of its large and growing population have resulted in varied opportunities for the development of Egypt’s health care space, particularly in the form of private sector investment. While the country has continued to see some positive steps, especially in the arena of primary care access and infant and maternal care, progress has been stalled on...

While Egypt continues to face considerable economic challenges as it confronts the legacy of its recent political history, at the outset of 2017 the nation’s economic planners have reason for optimism.

Chapter | Health from The Report: Sharjah 2017

Already home to a number of modern health care facilities, the emirate is preparing for a strong push in the sector as it pursues its goal to become a centre of excellence in the UAE. Meanwhile, an ageing population and increasingly sedentary lifestyles are raising new health challenges that both the private and public sector are helping to address, led by the federal-level Ministry of Health...

Sharjah’s early efforts towards economic diversification have paid dividends, turning sectors such as heavy industries and transport and logistics into key enablers of economic growth. Meanwhile, the presence of several major universities in the emirate has helped grow its reputation as a major educational centre for the region.

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