
Displaying 157 - 162 of 393

Chapter | Health from The Report: The Philippines 2017

Given the remarkable strides in improving health outcomes since the 1970s, Filipinos are generally living longer and healthier lives than their predecessors. But despite these advances, the country lags behind many of its neighbours on key health indicators, such as the maternal mortality rate and incidence of tuberculosis. Its health expenditure is also considerably less than other countries...

Despite gloomy global trade forecasts, the Philippines’ strong macroeconomic fundamentals, competitive geographical and labour force advantages, and rising domestic consumption bode well for future trade and investment.

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Tunisia 2017

Health care has been a national priority for the Tunisian government since the country gained independence from France in 1956. A focus of continued investment, the health care sector has since seen the development of a nationwide network of public hospitals and health centres, with the country quickly becoming a model in North Africa. The combination of private sector investment and public...

The past two years have seen the Tunisian economy follow a gentle upward trajectory – one that falls short of the pace of expansion needed to reduce poverty and improve the revenue base, but that nonetheless exhibits a marked improvement over previous years.

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Kenya 2017

Kenya’s current administration has placed a great emphasis on the health care sector. Given that the country has one of the youngest populations in the world by average age, Nairobi is aware that investment in social services will be a key component of supporting growth and development in the coming years. Yet while the health industry performs solidly in comparison to its regional peers,...

Even amid a broader downturn in many African markets, Kenya has consistently been one of sub-Saharan Africa’s most reliable performers.

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