
Displaying 157 - 162 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture & Forestry from The Report: Gabon 2016

Much attention is being focused on Gabon’s rural areas and on developing the 5m ha of fertile land it contains. While the country has one of the lowest population densities...

An oil-rich equatorial country in West Africa, Gabon’s abundant natural resources have given it one of the highest per capita incomes on the continent, though lower oil revenues has seen growth contract in recent years.

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Morocco 2016

Agriculture accounts for around 14% of GDP and 35-40% of jobs in Morocco. Driven in large part by the national agricultural policy, the Green Morocco Plan (Plan Maroc Vert, PMV), the sector’s GDP contribution increased by 57% between 2008 and 2015 to reach Dh115bn (€10.5bn). Among the key changes in the sector since the launch of the PMV is a shift in structure: Moroccan agriculture today is...

Morocco benefits from its well-developed manufacturing sector, mining industry, agricultural output, proximity to Europe, sizeable diaspora community, low labour costs and market-oriented public policy.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Nigeria 2016

While oil may be Nigeria’s breadwinner, agriculture remains the most important component of the country’s economy. The sector is the largest employer and accounts for 23.9% of GDP. And yet for many years the agriculture industry took a back seat to hydrocarbons, with Nigeria rising to be a key global producer. However, with the fall in the price of oil, the country’s high dependence on imports...

The most populous country and arguably the largest economy on the continent, Nigeria is widely regarded as an African powerhouse.

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