
Displaying 139 - 144 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Kenya 2017

Agriculture is Kenya’s largest economic sector, and held its position as a major growth driver in 2015, with ideal weather conditions improving food security and cash crop export earnings. Despite economic uncertainty, the sector has been one of the most resilient in Kenya, with ongoing efforts to improve irrigation and bolster foreign investment, even as stakeholders continue to grapple with...

Even amid a broader downturn in many African markets, Kenya has consistently been one of sub-Saharan Africa’s most reliable performers.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Vietnam 2017

The rollout of new free trade agreements gives Vietnam added possibilities to export its agricultural goods, but tapping these markets will require an enhancement of the sector’s sustainability. This effort is likely to involve the consolidation of smallholders, lack of which has so far prevented the country from transitioning into a key agricultural export player. Also on the agenda are food...

After years of strong economic growth and surging foreign direct investment, Vietnam today is emerging as a key middle-income country in the South-east Asian political and economic sphere. A nation of ancient traditions with a youthful and energetic population, Vietnam is also moving through a period of additional economic reforms, while continuing to leverage its strategic location and strong international relations to further boost its rapidly growing overseas trade activity.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Mexico 2017

Following 10 years of growth roughly on par with that of the overall economy, Mexico’s agriculture sector outstripped GDP growth by 1.2 percentage points in 2016 and registered a trade surplus for the second year running. Given the uncertainty over future US trade policy, there has rarely been a more urgent or ripe time to address the needs of Mexico’s agriculture industry. In the short term,...

At a time when a number of major Latin American economies, including Brazil and Venezuela, are heading toward recession, Mexico’s economy stands out in the region for its resilience. Projections for 2017 are couched in more uncertainty than is usual, however, in light of the lack of clarity over and the potential impact of policy changes in the US during the first year in office for US President Donald Trump. 

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