
Displaying 127 - 132 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Colombia 2017

Poised to grow at an exponential rate, Colombia’s agriculture sector will be the first to see the benefits of the signing of a historic peace agreement between the government and FARC. Vast untouched areas that have been inaccessible and unproductive for decades could well become the motor of growth the sector needs. Well-targeted investment could increase agricultural production by 8-10%....

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Peru 2017

Despite the effects of El Niño in 2017, agriculture’s prospects remain positive. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, projections, the sector is expected to post average growth of 3-3.5% in 2017, with exports projected to increase by 20-25% to reach $6bn. In the longer term, ongoing public programmes to assist small-scale farming should help to ensure that more smaller...

Over the last two decades Peru has been one of the fastest-growing economies in the region. Remarkably resilient to global headwinds, positive GDP growth has continued despite the end of the commodities boom. Yet the growth rate has slowed and the initial impetus of a first wave of structural reforms has faded. The question now is whether the current administration can address problems, implement further reforms and re-accelerate the economy.

Chapter | Agriculture & Food Security from The Report: Abu Dhabi 2017

As a rising population continues to put upward pressure on demand for food, Abu Dhabi’s authorities are pursuing various initiatives to promote domestic production, both as a means of economic diversification and to further bolster food security, with various bodies responsible for the agricultural sector being established over the last 10 years. Although innovative solutions have increasingly...

While reduced oil prices are undoubtedly a concern for the emirate’s authorities, economic diversification efforts of recent years mean Abu Dhabi is well placed to weather a prolonged period of subdued prices. Vision 2030 meanwhile contains a raft of goals that will further reduce the emirate’s reliance on hydrocarbons, and continue to foster the emergence of a more sustainable and knowledge-based economy in the years ahead.

Chapter | Plantations & Agriculture from The Report: Sri Lanka 2017

A long-time economic mainstay and the country’s primary employer, the agriculture sector makes up 9% of Sri Lanka’s GDP and is a significant source of foreign exchange. With the exception of rubber, all of the country’s major agricultural exports saw growth between 2010 and 2015. Export earnings increased during the same period, with agricultural exports comprising around one quarter of the...

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