
Displaying 121 - 126 of 339

Chapter | Agriculture & Fisheries from The Report: Papua New Guinea 2017

With a seemingly endless supply of fertile land, the agriculture sector in Papua New Guinea has enormous potential to strengthen the economy and increase the prosperity of local farmers. While a number of challenges stand in the way of these opportunities, PNG’s organic and fair trade credentials are gradually opening high-value niche markets and bolstering export figures. As such, the...

After a number of challenging years, PNG is starting to hit its equilibrium point again. It has largely passed through the period of difficult adjustments, and now some balance has returned. A number of long-planned projects are progressing and new areas of opportunity are being explored.

As Kuwait’s economy continues to adjust to the new oil price environment the country’s government is pushing ahead with investment plans and reforms that promise to put the country on a sustainable growth path in the coming years.

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Thailand 2017

Although Thailand in recent years has focused on creating a more forward-thinking, modern economy, ranking second only to Singapore in financial clout within the ASEAN block, the country’s agricultural sector still remains a crucial cog in the engine driving the country forward. It continues to capitalise on its long-standing farming tradition and favourable climate as it retains its enviable...

Despite considerable geopolitical volatility, Thailand’s economy remains well diversified, stable and poised for expansion in 2017.

After facing headwinds such as depressed international energy prices, and rising debt and fiscal imbalances, Trinidad and Tobago’s economic recession appears to be turning a corner, with GDP growth projected to climb to 0.3% in 2017 and 3.4% in 2018. As one of the largest and most diversified economies in the English-speaking Caribbean, the country is beginning to benefit from the new administration’s process of fiscal adjustment and economic diversification, spurred on by an ambitious public works pipeline.

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