
Displaying 103 - 108 of 393

In its April 2018 Economic Monitor for Thailand, the World Bank reported that GDP growth accelerated to 3.9% in 2017, from 0.91% in 2014, 2.94% in 2015 and 3.23% in 2016. This was the fastest expansion since the 7.24% recorded in 2012, and was driven by strong global growth, increased export revenue and a modest recovery in private consumption.

Chapter | Health from The Report: Mexico 2018

Steady progress has been made in the expansion and modernisation of Mexico’s health care sector in recent years. Some of these improvements have stemmed from the sector increasingly turning to public-private partnerships, with the private sector playing a larger role in operational management, outsourced services and construction. Major steps have also been taken to support the expansion of...

Driven by an ongoing process of economic opening since the 1990s, Mexico has established a solid macroeconomic base. Structural reforms have improved the country’s trade flows, helped to soften the impact of a gradual slowdown in hydrocarbons production and exports, and enabled manufacturing-led economic diversification and regional integration.

Chapter | Health from The Report: Philippines 2018

These are busy times for the Philippine health sector, with the country gearing up for a long-awaited move to universal health care (UHC) and investment in the private sector accelerating. Specialist and high-tech facilities are being developed, generating investor interest and business opportunities in pharmaceuticals and imported medical equipment. However, challenges remain, including the...

Rapid macroeconomic growth has worked to strengthen trade and investment in the Philippines. Build, Build, Build – the government’s infrastructure development agenda – is supporting soaring imports, while the fast-growing manufacturing export base remains an economic mainstay.

One of East Africa’s largest economies and most popular tourist destinations, Tanzania is reputed for its stability in the region. Its extractive wealth, favourable climate for agriculture, and natural assets such as Mount Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti National Park have helped it build a relatively high rate of growth over the last decade, averaging 6-7% per year.

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