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Chapter | Algiers Smart City from The Report: Algeria 2018

The Algiers Smart City initiative, established to advance multiple aspects of the tech industry, such as technology transfer, talent mobilisation and cross-sector synergies, demonstrates the benefit of approaching development from a less conventional perspective. Players in IT and other contingent sectors are increasingly aware of the opportunities created by adopting an approach to progress...

Chapter | ICT from The Report: Algeria 2018

Algeria has witnessed significant progress in the development of its ICT sector in recent years. Following strong investment in the recent rollout of key ICT...

Chapter | Construction & Real Estate from The Report: Algeria 2018

In an effort to meet the infrastructure needs of a growing population and facilitate increasing exports of industrial and agricultural products and minerals, the government sees a robust and stable construction industry as a key component of its vision for the future. Even as the overall economy has slowed, the sector has remained a consistent engine of growth. The building materials segment,...

Chapter | Transport from The Report: Algeria 2018

Meeting the country’s growing transport needs remains a priority, thus the national development plan 2015-19 allocates €6bn to upgrading, modernising and expanding air, rail, road and maritime capacities. Foreign investment is actively being sought to incorporate the latest technologies and know-how into the modernisation process. However, efforts to expand the sector face some challenges, such...

Chapter | Agriculture from The Report: Algeria 2018

The high food import bill, a growing population and effects from climate change are behind Algeria’s drive to increase local food output. Food production improved between...

Chapter | Industry & Mining from The Report: Algeria 2018

The industrial sector is seen as having potential to drive economic diversification and reduce the import bill. In addition to heavy industrial subsectors such as steel and cement, pharmaceuticals, agri-business and automotive manufacturing hold promise in becoming key exporters. For the sector as a whole, and particularly for small businesses, investment in logistics and transport capacities...

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