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Chapter | Country Profile from The Report: Bahrain 2019

The country’s national plan, Bahrain Economic Vision 2030, aims to enhance private sector growth and continue government investment in infrastructure, affordable housing and human resources. The kingdom maintains a developed industrial sector and hosts the world’s largest single-site aluminium smelter, Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), with downstream businesses creating products for export. Other...

Despite its diversified economy, Bahrain has nonetheless faced pressures in recent years as a result of the 2014-15 drop in global oil prices. However, a multibillion-dollar aid package from other Gulf states and an accompanying fiscal adjustment plan, as well as growth following a partial oil price recovery and a major oil and gas discovery, offer hope for an economic turnaround in 2019.

Chapter | Energy & Mining from The Report: Cote d’Ivoire 2019

Côte d’Ivoire has made substantial efforts to increase generation capacity, upgrade infrastructure and expand the electricity network, translating into rising investment. The country is also diversifying the energy mix, which tradition¬ally relied on gas-fuelled and hydraulic power plants. The push into renewables could reshape the energy mix and reduce reliance on gas-fired energy....

Chapter | Insurance from The Report: Cote d’Ivoire 2019

Insurance premium rose by almost 40% be¬tween 2013 and 2017 on the back of econom¬ic expansion, and while the main actors have remained the same, the last few years have seen an influx of foreign and local players to the market. Now, new regulations – particularly min¬imum capital requirements – that will begin to be enforced in 2019 are expected to significantly change the sec¬tor’s landscape...

Chapter | Capital Markets from The Report: Cote d’Ivoire 2019

After four years of high gains following the end of the political instability in Côte d’Ivoire, the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières – headquar¬tered in the Ivorian commercial capital Abidjan – is experiencing challenges marked by a significant drop in indexes, reaching a six-year low in 2018. Increased competition for telecoms companies in Senegal and Burkina Faso, a crisis in the...

Chapter | Banking from The Report: Cote d’Ivoire 2019

The banking sector has played a key role in financing reconstruction in Côte d’Ivoire since the end of the decade-long political and military crisis in 2011. With headline economic growth expected to hover around a robust 7% per annum over the next five years, Côte d’Ivoire’s banking sector is likely to remain attractive, with more banks attempting to penetrate the market. However, the...

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