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Chapter | Economy from The Report: Morocco 2019

While 2018 marked a deceleration from the...

Chapter | Country Profile from The Report: Morocco 2019

Morocco is the 25th-largest country in Africa and has a geographic area of 446,550 sq km. The country’s political capital is Rabat, but the largest city by far, as well as the business and economic capital, is Casablanca, located 85 km from Rabat. The current king, Mohammed VI, came to power in 1999. The country has seen substantial socio-economic changes during the current king’s reign,...

A number of key developments in the country are expected to support economic growth in the coming years. A rapidly improving business environment and infrastructural base, the gradual liberalisation of the local currency and increased investment into export-oriented industries are all set to raise living standards and drive the emergence of a large national middle class.

Chapter | The Guide from The Report: Ghana 2019

This section includes information on hotels, government offices and other listings, alongside useful tips for visitors on topics like currency, visas, language, communications, dress code, business hours and electricity.

Chapter | Tax from The Report: Ghana 2019

In conjunction with PwC, this chapter explores the taxation system and Ghana’s efforts to build an investor-friendly environment. This chapter contains a viewpoint with George Kwatia, Tax Partner, PwC Ghana.

Chapter | Health & Education from The Report: Ghana 2019

Ghana’s economic development is leading to heightened demand for specialised private health services, while on the public side; the government has made commitments to improve universal health coverage and is implementing plans to tackle specific challenges such as non-communicable diseases and a shortage of health professionals. Such commitments to legal reform and public resource provision will...

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