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La Tunisie poursuit de plus belle la diversification de son économie avec l’introduction d’une nouvelle législation destinée à soutenir l’entreprenariat dans le secteur des TIC.

Las compañías mexicanas están avanzando rápidamente en la adopción de la tecnología digital para mejorar la eficiencia y la productividad de sus operaciones, de acuerdo con lo que revelan nuevos estudios; sin embargo, las cifras del sector muestran que existen oportunidades para avanzar aún más en el campo de la innovación.

Thailand has taken a step towards formalising its digital asset trade, introducing new rules governing cryptocurrencies that could boost confidence in the market and address concerns over investor security.

The recent launch of Ghana’s long-awaited mobile money interoperability platform is expected to deepen financial inclusion and further the central bank’s “cash-lite” agenda.

Papua New Guinea is moving forward with plans to upgrade its ICT infrastructure and address connectivity issues, as it capitalises on its position as APEC chair in 2018 to promote an agenda for digital inclusion.

E-commerce in Saudi Arabia has received a boost following the launch of the Kingdom’s first foreign digital payments platform, a development that should support the growing number of online shoppers and contribute to government efforts to diversify the economy.

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