Brunei Darussalam ICT

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The government of Brunei Darussalam has taken the initiative with regards to fostering a strong technology sector in the Sultanate. The government is mindful of technology’s potential to create value for the country’s economy and to ensure social development for its citizens. To date, government officials, in concert with the private sector,...


Despite a well-funded education system and a number of ICT skills development programmes, Brunei Darussalam’s ICT-sector workforce could benefit from better alignment with industry requirements. In addition, adding a focus on up-skilling and expanding the competencies of current ICT specialists would help to grow it into a sector that is able...

While developing the private ICT sector into a valuable contributor to the domestic economy, the government has also recognised the importance of integrating modern ICT systems into its own institutions as a means to stimulate the economy as a whole. By streamlining government bureaucracy through the implementation of new technology, the government hopes to slash red...

One of the most crucial components of Brunei Darussalam’s plan to transform itself into a knowledge-based economy by 2035 is the development of a modern ICT sector, utilising cutting-edge technology and practices to drive domestic growth. The sector has been singled out as a priority in the country’s long-term strategic development plan, Wawasan Brunei 2035, which has...

In order to accommodate the rapid growth in the ICT sector in both the public and private spheres, the capabilities of Brunei Darussalam’s telecoms infrastructure are being bolstered in anticipation of even greater amounts of data traffic in the years to come. While so far the country’s fixed and mobile internet network has been able to accommodate the increasing data...

The expansion of the global ICT industry over recent decades has made it possible for more nations to access and develop local technology. This, however, has also increased competition for countries that are in the early stages of building an IT sector. The Sultanate’s well-educated population and pervasive use of social networking technologies are...

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