The Middle East Industry

Displaying 289 - 294 of 341

One of the mainstays of the Jordanian economy, industry accounts for approximately one-fifth of GDP as well as 15% of the workforce and around 90% of exports. The largest industrial segments are min-ing, chemicals, and textiles and garments manufac-turing; the kingdom is also the largest exporter of pharmaceuticals in the Arab world. The sector is...

The metals industry is arguably one of the most important and certainly one of the oldest industries in Bahrain. Of the country’s non-crude oil exports, the metals sector, along with petrochemicals, has traditionally been a leader. Metallurgy, particularly aluminium, has been seen as a lucrative way for the country to monetise its gas reserves...

With a long history as a pioneer in the Gulf region, Bahrain was the first country to discover oil in the 1930s. It was also the first to face the issue of declining reserves, replacing reliance on hydrocarbons by developing one of the first heavy industries in the region, Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), in the mid-1960s. During the 1970s and 1980s the...

Foreign direct investment (FDI) forms a key plank of Bahrain’s development strategy. On its own, the size of the country means that both the internal market and its ability to provide capital are limited. At the same time, Bahrain has less oil and gas reserves than many of its neighbours, and as such, is looking to diversify its economy away from...

Plastics consumption in the Gulf region has been growing exponentially over the past decade. According to a report from the Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA), between 2011 and 2015 consumption of plastics in the region is set to grow from 3.3m tonnes per annum (tpa) to 5.5m tpa. The GPCA puts the value of the GCC petrochemicals...

Given that exports accounted for around 20% of Turkey’s GDP in 2012 – a good year for export growth – it is clear that the country’s overseas traders are clearly a vital part of its economy. Industry is a major contributor to exports, with manufacturing a particularly vital component of Turkey’s export picture. Yet challenges remain,...

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