The Americas Energy

Displaying 253 - 258 of 334

Despite instability associated with the global mining and hydrocarbons sectors, Colombia displays stable economic growth amidst a regional slowdown, in large part a result of economic liberalisation, free trade agreements and entry to a variety of trade blocs. After recording 6.6% growth in 2011 and 4% in 2012, Colombia saw a slowdown in the first half of 2013, but the economy regained momentum by the end of the year.

El objetivo de alcanzar la ambiciosa meta de una producción de crudo de barriles de 2,5 m2 por día (bpd) para el 2018 parece más difícil para Colombia debido a los estancamientos en los índices de producción. A pesar de que en el 2013 se superó la producción de barriles de 1 m2 por día (bpd), el Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito Público actualizó recientemente su pronóstico para el 2014 a 981.000 bpd de su predicción de 1,1 m2 bpd de un año atrás.
Tras varios años de especulación, Perú finalmente ha sentado las bases para la venta de acciones de la compañía petrolera estatal, Petroperú, las cuales podrán ser adquiridas en el mercado privado.


Like the oil industry, electricity in Mexico has been dominated by a state-owned company for a number of years. The Federal Electricity Commission (Comisión Federal de Electricidad, CFE) is the sole provider of transmission and distribution services and also controls all output, producing 70% of electricity on its own and sub-contracting the...


There is no difference in geology between the Mexican and US sides of the Texas border, but there is a difference in activity. South Texas is the centre of the US shale revolution. Thousands of shale wells have been dug and their production has enriched the region. The Eagle Ford Formation (EFF), where most of Texas’s wells are located,...

What exploration measures have been taken to help halt the further decline of oil production?

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