Africa Construction

Displaying 169 - 174 of 217

Although momentum slowed following the global financial crisis that began in 2008, Algeria’s real estate market has remained buoyed by its strong fundamentals. Government-led investment is driving sector growth, not only in the more populated regions of the north, but also through expansion of developments across the country’s central and southern...

The continuous process of upgrading existing infrastructure is helping Algeria to open up its economy as it diversifies activities away from hydrocarbons, and has delivered a boost to contractors and construction firms, particularly in the private sector. Overall, Algerian authorities are set to invest €222bn between 2009 and 2014, involving...

In the wake of the revolution, one of the biggest issues facing the real estate business in Egypt is the question of access to, and ownership of, land. The legal background surrounding title to land can be unclear, partly due to the country’s history, which has seen Ottoman legislation overlaid with European legal codes, and a tradition in which...

Aided in part by the large domestic market, a spate of new industrial facilities, competitive labour costs and increasing urbanisation, the fundamentals of the Egyptian construction market look promising, although like many other sectors it has been suffering from a certain lack of confidence after the revolution of 2011.

As a result of the ongoing political unrest, the expansion of Egypt’s real estate sector has slowed considerably in recent years. Since demonstrations kicked off in early 2011, developers, investors and potential purchasers have postponed many deals, and, in some cases, cancelled projects outright. While uncertainty has continued to grow in some...

Over the past 20 years, there has been a clear trend in many countries towards using the private sector to run public services or to commission new infrastructure projects, often-times in public-private partnerships (PPPs), and Egypt is no exception. Egypt first adopted the principle of PPPs under the Hosni Mubarak regime. In 2010, the government...

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