Africa Construction

Displaying 139 - 144 of 217

Algeria continues to have a significant gap between cement demand and production capabilities. Both the state and private operators have been increasing domestic capacity. But amidst a nationwide effort to develop infrastructure, a housing programme prioritised by the government to reduce the housing gap and an economic dynamism that is galvanising private construction...

With a growing and young population and an urbanisation rate approaching 70%, Algeria’s housing deficit is a problem that has been at the centre of government policy for several years. The country’s current housing gap is estimated to be 1.2m homes, according to figures published by the South Africa-based organisation Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa (...

As the government channels state funds into its public housing programme, growing private interest is stoking growth in the higher-end residential segment of Algeria’s real estate market along with office and commercial real estate.

Benefitting from the government’s push for transport infrastructure and public housing, and guided by a new capital-intensive five-year plan, the construction sector has been seeing constant activity. This is not only positively impacting local building and contracting firms but also attracting a host of contractors from abroad which are looking to tap into the country’s...

Like many sectors in the country, construction has had more than its fair share of challenges in recent years. Yet in spite of the downside risks, the prospects for the building industry have not been brighter for decades. As Ayman Tolba, the chairman and CEO of Leena Real Estate, told OBG, “Egypt’s young and growing population can support strong growth in the construction of...

A tried and tested solution to many breaches of the law throughout the world is to legalise the activity – and then tax it. This is the approach the Egyptian authorities have considered towards the issue of illegal construction. A draft law put forward in August 2014 will permit an amnesty period of six months in an attempt to tackle a problem that has existed for decades, but...

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