For a country that a few years ago was pumping less than 1000 barrels of oil per day (bpd), Ghana’s upstream oil and gas industry has undergone a massive change. As it begins only its second year of...
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Displaying 3901 to 3906 of 6094
Economic Update | Ghana: Moving upstream
13 Dec 2011
Economic Update | Egypt: Picking up
13 Dec 2011
Continuing to attract international attention and investment, Egypt’s real estate sector is performing well in what has been a turbulent year for the country’s economy. Unsurprisingly, given the...
Economic Update | Turkey: Attractive destination
12 Dec 2011
Already the world’s 7th most-popular tourist destination, Turkey has continued to grow in 2011, as economic expansion and political stability raise its profile in the region. The country saw a 10.76...
Economic Update | RAK: Handing over construction
12 Dec 2011
During the first three quarters of 2011, the Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) construction industry has pressed on with scheduled mixed-use development projects.
Economic Update | Maroc : Diversifier la production agricole
12 Dec 2011
Dans le but de stimuler davantage la production locale et de se protéger contre une nouvelle instabilité des prix, le gouvernement marocain a mis en place, au cours des derniers mois, un certain...
Economic Update | Thailand: Building partnerships
8 Dec 2011
Thailand has expressed interest in joining the US-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the US’s ambitious plan to develop a free-trade zone across the Asia-Pacific region, though Bangkok has made...