Brunei Darussalam has long identified Islamic finance as a sector that can be developed to its advantage, both to serve the banking needs of its domestic economy and as an avenue for economic...
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Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam: Investing in the future of Islamic finance
18 Jun 2012
Economic Update | Perú: Yendo a los centros comerciales
15 Jun 2012
Con más peruanos que nunca frecuentando los centros comerciales, promotores e inversores se apresuran para abastecer la creciente demanda de estos centros que aglutinan a diferentes comerciantes.
Economic Update | Abu Dhabi: From the bottom up
15 Jun 2012
While the Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Programme (STEP) may not have grabbed as many headlines as some of Abu Dhabi’s larger infrastructure projects, the new wastewater network is crucial to the long...
Economic Update | The Philippines: Raising capital in insurance
15 Jun 2012
A recent announcement that plans to raise the capital requirement for insurance companies could be delayed beyond 2016 could give local and international insurers more time to focus on growth areas...
Economic Update | México: Debatiendo la reforma
14 Jun 2012
Dado que la producción petrolera mexicana continúa con su tendencia hacia la baja, parece cada vez más probable que las nuevas reformas puedan abrir el sector, incluso más, a la inversión privada.
Economic Update | México: Seguros perdurables
14 Jun 2012
Los sólidos fundamentos macroeconómicos y el aumento del poder adquisitivo han atraído a varias compañías al sector de seguros mexicano, ya que éste exhibe un buen potencial a largo plazo. Sin...