As gas consumption levels reach record highs in Malaysia and across the continent, the country is positioning itself as a regional trade centre for liquefied natural gas (LNG). With a series of...
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Displaying 3355 to 3360 of 6094
Economic Update | Malaysia: Push for liquefied natural gas
16 Oct 2012
Economic Update | Indonesia: Going to the capital markets
15 Oct 2012
A series of large-scale government bond issues in Indonesia is the latest sign of the benefit of an improved credit rating in accessing international capital. The government is lining up a $1.75bn...
Economic Update | Abu Dhabi: Trade winds
15 Oct 2012
Following the significant increase in non-oil merchandise trade in 2011, market participants in the local transport and logistics sector appear to be preparing for a continued rise in activity in...
Economic Update | Jordan: Delicate economic balance
12 Oct 2012
Officials remain confident of solid economic growth this year, although there are concerns that domestic and regional unrest will leave the kingdom falling short of its objectives for 2012.
Economic Update | India: Opening up retail
12 Oct 2012
Faced with a subdued economic prognosis, in September the government introduced a law that will relax regulations for foreign direct investment (FDI) and ease the business environment for foreign...
Economic Update | Perú: Planes de expansión para la agricultura
11 Oct 2012
La creciente tendencia hacia la alimentación saludable en los mercados de exportación más importantes, como el de los EE.UU., ha impulsado el reciente aumento de las exportaciones agrícolas, del cual...