As the latest step in the country’s long march to encourage diversification, the Nigerian government has been facing a growing chorus of calls to step up efforts to support the manufacturing sector...
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Displaying 3277 to 3282 of 6094
Economic Update | Nigeria: Creating an industrious environment
29 Nov 2012
Economic Update | Indonesia: Health care mega-spending
29 Nov 2012
A drive to ensure universal health care provision by 2014 in the world’s fourth-most populous country necessarily entails large-scale investments, and is opening up opportunities for the private...
Economic Update | Dubai: Banks looking to improve standings
28 Nov 2012
The banking sector is still dealing with fallout from the 2009 economic crisis, but banks are slowly reducing their bad debt ratios thanks to new requirements set out by the central bank and due to...
Economic Update | Colombia: Altibajos de la Minería
28 Nov 2012
Si bien el sector minero colombiano se encuentra todavía en su infancia, el interés sobre la industria es creciente. En 2011, la inversión en minería aumentó un 50%, alcanzando así US$2.6 mil...
Economic Update | Malaysia: Industrial production up
27 Nov 2012
Growth in Malaysia’s industrial production has so far been above expectations, suggesting that the manufacturing sector is supported by domestic expansion and reorientation toward the region even...
Economic Update | Qatar: Measured growth
26 Nov 2012
The transport sector in Qatar has had mixed results so far this year, in part a reflection of its exposure to the global economy. However, the three leading transport firms listed on the bourse...