A new medical centre is set to spearhead Sharjah’s efforts to tap into foreign investment in health care as the government moves to meet rising demand and expand into medical tourism.
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Economic Update | Sharjah: Expanding health care
11 Feb 2013
Economic Update | Papua New Guinea: Insurance growth at risk
11 Feb 2013
While a wave of major resource-related projects in Papua New Guinea (PNG) presents significant growth opportunities for private insurers, concern is rising that industry players could be put off...
Economic Update | Tunisie : Coup de pouce pour la microfinance
11 Feb 2013
Avec des investissements directs étrangers (IDE) qui ont retrouvé en 2012 leurs niveaux de 2010, la Tunisie envisagerait le lancement de projets à grande échelle dans les secteurs de l’industrie et...
Economic Update | Brunei Darussalam: Fisheries promise for industry
11 Feb 2013
The launch of a major seafood processing plant highlights the progress the Sultanate is making in its plans to diversify from oil and resources and position itself as a centre of value-added industry...
Economic Update | Dubai: Health insurance makeover
8 Feb 2013
Plans by the emirate’s authorities to tighten regulatory oversight for health insurance and put in place a long delayed scheme for mandatory coverage will likely result in major changes to the sector...
Economic Update | Thailand: Transportation investment
8 Feb 2013
A massive programme of investment in Thailand’s infrastructure, designed to enhance international connectivity and competitiveness, is set to be implemented this year amid a renewed commitment to...